Improvements and fixes to “Vegas” beta
There’s been a lot of improvements over the weekend, and it should improve coverage compatibility significantly, especially those of you who put your tests in their own assemblies. We’re almost ready to extend the beta to some more folks. Stay tuned to blog for details. Here’s a summary of the changes…
Bug fixes
- Hide things with 0 code lines in coverage explorer
- Test context menus now work ON the test attributes themselves
- Windows should now remember their placement between launches of Visual Studio
- Fixed missing icon for assemblies in coverage result
- Coverage on/off icon not in sync between all windows
- Coverage now works when your tests are in a different DLL then your application
- Cleanup debug shim between runs - each run gets a fresh AppDomain to clean up garbage and reset static members, as well as a guaranteed fresh run-thread to deal with a similar but distinct case of thread local storage.
- Shadow copies are now off, which should fix some tests that are referencing things relative to the assembly DLL
- disable selection in the coverage results
- Dropped code lines / hit lines columns
- Added gridlines to coverage results
- GoTo: Methods now include their parameters
- GoTo: Show owning class for member variables
- GoTo and Open File gadgets now centered on same monitor as mouse
New Features
- New hotkey, Run Solution Tests, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+S
- New hotkey, Run Project Tests, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+J
- Added Run Test menu items to TestMatrix menu
- Added a Run Again button to the Test Result window
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